About Us

Welcome to Ogre.Ph, your alternative resource for select
Outdoor Gear and Recreational Equipment in the Philippines.

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About Us

We are a specialty shop focused on select Outdoor Gear and Recreational Equipment.

Ogre.Ph started out as a small, home-based online business in August of 2011, initially with only one product line: the Gopro Hero camera and its accessories. We are proud to have been approved as one of the earliest authorized GoPro outlets in the Philippines.

A few months after, we gradually expanded our catalogue to include recreational as well as professional aqua sports gear, cycling and motocross gear, plus some outdoor photo gear as well as photo studio equipment and accessories.

In June of 2012, we decided to move Ogre.Ph to its new home in Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong, to be able to better organize our small office and storage area, as well as to showcase our expanding catalogue and thus better serve our growing client base.

Soon after in this newfound home, we eventually added basic camping and mountaineering gear, such as backpacks, sleeping bags and tents, built bicycles and bike accessories that include cyclo computers, safety lights, bike carriers, and bike shop equipment. In addition, we ventured out to include musical instruments and accessories.

Due to the volatile and unpredictable market changes affecting action cameras and accessories starting mid-2015 onwards, we decided to shift our focus in the 1st quarter of 2017 to include other lines of business, specifically home improvement DIY tools, pressure washer equipment and accessories, and eventually basic car accessories, as well as home/office/shop storage solutions.

And to provide effortless shopping convenience to our clients, in May 2018 we eventually opened a storefront in Lazada, offering cash on delivery (COD) and credit card payments.

Our thrust is to provide an alternative one-stop resource for quality affordable recreational and other useful products, and our vision is to be remembered as a unique leisure and hobby shop that offers cool useful items for the entire family.

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© 2025 Ogre.Ph All rights reserved.

Shop Location: 537-O Boni Avenue, Brgy New Zaniga, Mandaluyong City
0925 7412039 (Sun)   0917 8449677 (Globe)   7254 6129 (Landline)

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